ERNACT network member and INNOCAP project partner, Kommunförbundet Västernorrland, has held its first workshop with employees of Örnsköldsvik Municipality, giving employees the opportunity to share their views on the innovation platform being developed. In the long term, this platform aims to help the municipality make better use of employees' ideas to improve services. Staff from the Welfare Administration and the Council Management Administration joined to explore new ways to improve services.
Using Innovation to Improve Council Services
"I see great potential in the innovation platform being created. It is a key part of a trust-based way of working, allowing employees to use their knowledge and help find new solutions," says Monica Mazouz Krenchel, business developer and workshop participant.
Some attendees had training in service design through the Interreg NPA funded INNOCAP project, while others were key council employees with important roles, such as business developers. Their ideas were useful in shaping the digital innovation platform.
Working Together to Design Better Services
"We want input from people who think about service design and innovation. Their daily work experience is very important at this stage of the project," explains Osman Saidabdala, INNOCAP project partner from Kommunförbundet Västernorrland.
The workshop aimed to get early feedback on the new digital innovation platform. Participants learned about the platform process, tested a prototype, and gave suggestions for improvements.
Making Services Better and More Efficient
"This project will help make everyday tasks easier for both council workers and local people, while improving the quality of services," says Monica Mazouz Krenchel. Participants will be invited to future sessions to review and improve the platform. In the next stage, more people will join to give wider feedback and test the platform further. "We are excited to continue working together to bring innovation and excellence to council services," concludes Osman Saidabdala.